Letter of the week series- இ

Materials required:
Paint, Leaf, Paper
Write the letter இ on the paper with the corresponding word or take printout under Free printable menu. Apply paint on the leaf and ask the child to put it on the paper. You will get a beautiful imprint which you can give an outline once it dries. Teach the child the letter இ and the word இலை. Keep on repeating the words and the letters when you teach. This will help them in recognizing the letter.

For now, here are some of the printable for the next Tamil letter இ , you can download them for FREE.
Few activities you can do for the letter இ:
- Trace the letter இ with index finger (you can also trace with sand/rice).
- Ask the child to keep the pulses above the letter.
- Roll the playdough and keep on the letter.
- Draw இலை and ask the child to color.
- Give the worksheet and ask the child to write the letter and color the picture.
Few worksheets which you can use to teach the letters: