Letter of the week series- Letter ஆ

The second letter in Tamil is Letter ஆ. This letter is pronounced with a long sound. Hence it is called Nedil ezhuthu.
Short sound- Kuril ezhuthu
Long sound- Nedil ezhuthu
A small activity to teach the letter.
Materials Required:
A cup, Cotton, glue, a drawing of the sheep or a printout (Refer to our free printable section for worksheets) , Paint/crayons.
First teach the child this is letter ஆ and the corresponding word for the letter. Ask the child to roll the cotton into small balls and stick on the picture. The rolling of cotton is a Fine motor activity which has it's own importance. Once they're done sticking the cotton, let them paint/color the legs and horn.

Few activities you can do for the letter ஆ:
- Practice tracing the letter on sand/rice with index finger.
- Ask the child to keep the pulses above the letter.
- Roll the playdough and keep on the letter.
- Draw ஆடு and ask the child to color.
- Give the worksheet and ask the child to write the letter and color the picture.
Few worksheets which you can use when you teach:
Colouring and Dot marker Printable
Surprise - ஆச்சரியம் Printable